הסתיימה המכירה לאירוע זה

Event: The Reformation

Location: ***, Online

Date: 21/12/2024 שעה: 20:30


The Reformation

***, Online 21/12/2024 Time 20:30

Event type



110 NIS


110 NIS


The Reformation

Live concert online - available for one week  

Saturday, December 21st, 16:30, YMCA Jerusalem
Galilee Chamber Orchestra
Saleem Aboud Ashkar, Conductor
Alla Vasilevitsky, Soprano
Rania Ateek, Soprano
Rachel Frenkel, Mezzo-soprano
A special festive concert: a full 43 players Galilee Chamber Orchestra will perform the Reformation Symphony by Mendelssohn. In the second part of the concert, the orchestra will accompany Jewish and Arab soloists of the Israel Opera, performing popular arias and duets from the classical canon.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) - Erbarme Dich (from Matthäus Passion) | Rachel Frenkel

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) -Laudamus te (from Gloria) | Alla Vasilevsky & Rachel Frenkel

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) - Laudamus Te (from Mass in C minor) | Alla Vasilevsky

 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - O zittre nicht (fron Die Zauberflöte) | Rania Ateek

 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Via, resti servita (from Le nozzle di Fígaro) | Rania Ateek & Rachel Frenkel

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) - Tornami a vagheggiar (fro Alcina) | Rania Ateek

 Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) - Qual vita e questa mai… Che fiero momento (Orfeo ed Euridice) | Alla Vasilevsky

 Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880) C'est L'amour (Violin aria - from Les contes d'Hoffmann)| Rachel Frenkel

Jacques Offenbach– Barcarolle \ Belle nuit ô nuit d’amour (from Contes d'Hoffmann) | Alla Vasilevsky, Rania Ateek & Rachel Frenkel


 Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn (1809-1847) – Symphony no. 5, Op. 107, "The Reformation" (1830)

Andante – Allegro con fuoco | Allegro vivace | Andante | Andante con moto – Allegro vivace – Allegro maestoso


Donations to Polyphony Education



* תחילת מופע 20:30
*ההקלטה תהיה זמינה לצפייה למשך שבוע.
* ניתן לבטל כרטיסים עד 48 שעות לפני מועד הקונצרט בכפוף ל-5% דמי ביטול, לאחר מכן אין ביטולים.

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